Our certificates
and seals

Get to know our certificates and seals

We have made sustainability our top priority. The bags and pouches from Mister Bags should be as environmentally friendly and socially responsible as possible. And of course all the trimmings as well.

Behind our words are actions. And real certifications that prove our sustainable processes. Our bags and pouches with the corresponding certificates are our pride and joy.

Behind every seal of our bags made of organic cotton or fruit and vegetable bags made of recycled materials are specific requirements. But with the abundance of providers for certificates around "organic", "eco" and the production conditions, one can sometimes lose the overview. At this point, we sift through the jungle of certifications. So that you know what you get at Mister Bags and how it looks with the sustainability of our bags.


Very close to our heart is the GOTS certification. The Global Organic Textile Standard is one of the highest standards in the textile sector and applies to all components of the supply chain. Only if everything is really right here is the GOTS seal awarded. Every year, we and our suppliers prove anew that we have earned this certificate.

A part of our currently available bags is GOTS certified - and so are all suppliers from the cotton field in India. Our screen printing plant in Essen also shines with a GOTS certificate.

The minimum percentage of natural fibers must be 90%, 70% of which must be organically grown. Of course, the Mister Bags bags made of organic cotton easily meet this GOTS criterion. Pollutants such as heavy metals or formaldehyde are an absolute no-go, as are nanoparticles.

And the working conditions must also be right for the coveted GOTS certification: They must meet the minimum criteria of the International Labor Organization ILO. Since this is unfortunately not yet the case everywhere in the world, we select our producers and suppliers with all the greater care, where everything fits.

Mister Bags Zertifikate GOTS

Our sustainability promise 2024

Wir sind uns unserer sozialen Verantwortung bewusst und möchten diese zu 100 % erfüllen. Für eine konsequente Zielumsetzung hat sich Mister Bags die Mission gesetzt, mindestens 25 % seiner Baumwolle im Jahr 2024 fair gehandelt einzukaufen.


Mister Bags | Fairtrade Cotton Siegel | Nachhaltige Fairtrade Taschen & Beutel | Großhandel

It is important to us to deal fairly with the people who produce our bags and the cotton that goes into them. The producers - the people who grow and harvest the cotton as raw material for our bags - are supported by Fairtrade in their work.

To enable them to operate sustainably, they receive fairly calculated monetary amounts. This enables them to plan better - and we can also rely on the products meeting our quality requirements at a consistent level.

The Fairtrade certification system has been in existence since 2002. The Fairtrade seal is also familiar from many products from the food sector that are grown in the global south - such as coffee and tea.

We are proud that in 2019 and 2020, every second bag we sold was already allowed to bear the Fairtrade seal. And we are working to ensure that there will be significantly more.

Our cotton bags and pouches carry the Fairtrade product seal for cotton - one of several seals awarded by TransFair for different products. This means that the raw cotton is grown and traded fairly. Every single production step of our cotton bags can be traced back to the field in India. Cotton that has not been grown and traded according to fair criteria is strictly separated. Therefore we - and of course our customers - can be 100 percent sure that only Fairtrade is inside.

"We'd rather sell 3,000 organic or fair trade bags than 5,000 conventional bags"


For an all-round good feeling: The OEKO-TEX 100 standard ensures that nothing is inside that doesn't belong.

This means that there are no pesticides, no formaldehyde, no azo dyes, no pentachlorophenol and also no nickel or cadmium in the bags and pouches from Mister Bags. And there never were - because the Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX applies to all raw and intermediate products.

Not only pollutant residues are undesirable and a knock-out criterion:
Color fastness and a skin-friendly pH value are must-haves for textiles that are allowed to carry this label.



We still apply strict criteria to our fruit and vegetable bags. After all, these bags are made to come into contact with food. Therefore, the LFGB declaration of conformity and the corresponding certificates are a matter of course for us.

Food bags belong to the so-called "consumer goods with food contact". Therefore, the legal standards from the Food, Commodities and Feed Code - in short: the LFGB - apply here.

Our food bags like Franz and Sissi prove their innocence by their LFGB certificates. So apples and other tempting foods in loose form are best in our fruit and vegetable nets

Global Recycled Standard

A good bag doesn't always require fresh resources. We love it when we can give other products a new task at the end of their life cycle.

Some of our bags therefore meet the criteria for the Global Recycled Standard (GRS), which transparently records the proportion of recycled materials and makes it traceable.

You wouldn't know it by looking at them, but our Adam and Eva fruit and vegetable bags each contain a 0.5-liter PET bottle in recycled form. Waste cotton is the stuff not only of dreams of people with a sense of sustainability, but also of our recycled bag Renata.

Mister Bags Zertifikate Global Recycled Standard

Our goal for the future: 100% fair trade

Print Green


Wir setzen zwar weitgehend auf ein papierloses Büro. Ihre Auftragsbestätigungen und Rechnungen erhalten Sie zum Beispiel in digitaler Form von uns. Aber hin und wieder müssen auch wir mal etwas ausdrucken. Und das machen wir dann auf klimaneutralen Druckern von KYOCERA. Die KYOCERA Print-Green-Initiative unterstützt den Klimaschutz und gleicht den CO2-Fußabdruck der Drucker und Toner aus. Dafür steht die Print Green Zertifikate.

Green Hosting

Operating a website also consumes resources, which is why it is important to us to rely on selected service providers here. Our website is therefore operated by a responsible hosting provider that obtains its energy for data centers from renewable sources such as hydro or wind power.

The Green Web Foundation has set itself the goal of making information and analysis on the sustainable operation of websites easily available to consumers. This is symbolized by the Green Web Check.


Mister Bags Zertifikate Global Recycled Standard

Environmental awareness and social responsibility do not simply pass us by in the truest sense of the word.

We purchase our toilet paper from Goldeimer. This non-profit company supports World Hunger Relief and Viva con Agua projects through the sale of social toilet paper. The goal of this initiative is to help people all over the world achieve basic sanitation.

Another specialty of Goldeimer are chemical-free composting toilets, which are used at festivals and save water.

The recycled toilet paper already saves energy and water during its production. The packaging materials can be 100% recycled and already contain a certain amount of recycled and environmentally friendly resources themselves.

Learn more about the nonprofit Klos für alle in our new "toilets for all" blog.