
The Fair Week -
Action week for fair trade

Fair Week - Action Week for Fair Trade

Fairtrade has been organising Fair Week in September for over 20 years. This year it takes place from 16 - 30 September and is themed "Fair suits you - #fairhandeln for human rights worldwide" and everything revolves around the textile industry.

Of course, this annual theme also concerns us at Mister Bags. As a Fairtrade company in the textile sector, we are aware of aware of our responsibility to be fair and of course join in!

Fair Week 2022: The focus is on the textile industry

This year, the aim of the action weeks is to draw attention to the problems caused by the exploitative behaviour of some companies in the textile industry. Industrialised countries need more and more fabrics for their fashion industry. A large part of these fabrics is under inhumane conditions in developing and emerging countries produced. The problems start with the cultivation of the cotton. But also during dyeing and production, the conditions for the workers are not only questionable, but often extremely harmful to their health.

Anbau von Baumwolle

The Fair Week draws attention to the whole range of problems and brings them to the attention of consumers who, through their demand behaviour, contribute to an improvement in working conditions and living conditions can contribute.

Identify problems and ensure improvements

Just some of the problems encountered Fairtrade this year are:

  • Child labour - Children still work under catastrophic conditions on cotton fields or in dye works.
  • Occupational safety and health - Many companies in the producing countries do not attach any importance to occupational health and safety. Toxic substances are still used in production, which can cause considerable damage to health.
  • Environmental problems - Over-fertilisation and the use of pesticides and insecticides have serious ecological consequences. This environmental degradation has consequences for all of us.

Only when we all become aware of these problems can there be change. We only have this one world and what happens in developing countries has an impact on all of us.

Keine Umgebung für ein Kind.
Oftmals herrschen noch schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen.

What is to be achieved during the fair week?

Only by illustrating the problems and challenges facing the textile industry can the whole situation be improved and eased. All actors, from the producer via the textile factory to the consumer, need to be aware of the issues so that the following key points of Fairtrade can be achieved.

  • Establish a sustainability strategy in development policy

Only when sustainability issues are established in development policy for emerging and developing countries can positive changes occur there. This concerns both the conditions for workers and the environment.

  • Respect for human rights

All human rights violations must be stopped - a ban on child labour must take place.

  • Decent conditions for workers

Workers should only be employed under humane conditions. At the same time, they should receive living wages. This will increase the willingness to pay attention to sustainability in production in these countries as well.

But these goals do not only concern the producing countries, because the supply chain law is also to be complied with. This means that in the entire supply chains from the worker in the field to the completion of the textiles, environment and human rights protected should become.

Of course, this requires transparency and not all companies are willing to disclose their working conditions so far.

Menschenwürdige Bedingungen für Arbeiter

Fairtrade Action Weeks: Who is taking part?

Anyone who wants to and is willing to participate in the Fair Week can do so. Of course Worldshops and Fairtrade retail shops with it. Actions range from window dressing to a fair rally organised by some Fair Towns.

Wollen Sie sich ebenfalls engagieren? In jeder Fair-Town und jedem Weltladen gibt es Ansprechpartner, die Sie dabei gerne unterstützen. Einige Ideen können Sie sich auch auf der Fairtrade Homepage ansehen. Vielleicht ist ja für Sie das Passende dabei!

Getting involved in Fair Week is even easier. On the homepage of Fairtrade you can take some photos with the Hashtag #Fairtrade in social media share and thus show your commitment and spread the message further.

Of course, your commitment can also extend beyond Fair Week. Only reach for fairly traded products and thus support Fairtrade in order to worldwide for fair conditions for all to provide!

Mister Bags: We are committed with our Fairtrade range

Of course, we at Mister Bags are not missing from this year's Fair Week. For a very long time, we have been making sure that the share of organic cotton in our bags is constantly increasing.

Our Fairtrade bags are made of cotton, i.e. fairly produced and traded cotton. We work fairly with our trading partners and do our part to improve their living conditions. Companies that, like Mister Bags, have a Fairtrade certification have, must meet strict criteria. Compliance with these criteria is checked regularly, so you can be sure that our Fairtrade range meets all the requirements placed on fair trade.

The more products produced under sustainable conditions are in demand, the faster the entire textile industry will be forced to rethink. You too can participate and accelerate this rethinking by When making your purchases, make sure you have the Fairtrade-Respect the seal!

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